First Half of Year 2011-

Six months of excitement.

Dear Friends:

It’s summer already! The Canadian Chinese Health Qigong Organization continues to grow with the support of members and friends. In the first half of 2011, participants of our Health Qigong classes total an attendance count of 2186 –that’s a 187% increase from last year. This growth shows the rising popularity of Health Qigong in the GTA and indicates that our work in this field is valued.

Earlier in the year our organization was honoured with two very special recognitions from both the local and international community. In February, the Chinese Health Qigong Association invited us to attend the 4th International Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange being held in Vancouver September 2011. With members’ participation, our organization will be well represented at the competition as a team of six. Go Team CCHealthqigong!

A greater honour was bestowed on us from the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Department. In May, Canadian Chinese Health Qigong Organization president and vice-president, Edward and Angela Ho, received volunteer awards for their work in the non-profit sector. For us, this award is a report card that indicates our organization is going in the right direction.

In the second half of 2011, we will continue to promote health qigong in the GTA – reaching more residents in our community and helping them on their path to active living with a side of pep in moving!

Have a wonderful summer.


Canadian Chinese Health Qigong Organization