7th World Health Qigong Tournament & Exchange
September 2017.
September 2017

In September 2017, CCHQO President Edward Ho led a team of 14 athletes: Anisso Ho, Brenda Ho, Florence Lam, Foulata Lee, Henry Chan, Janette Tse, Jose Chia, Pegga Ma, Stella Ng, Tran Cam Yen & Yin Lai; team supporters Angela Ho and Diana Chia to attend the 7th World Health Qigong Tournament & Exchange in The Hague, Netherlands and achieved excellent results.
One of the programmes at the opening ceremony was to invite all participants to perform Ba Duan Jin at the Peace Palace in Hague, which is usually not open to the public. Although we were hit by strong wind and rain, we all finished the performance successfully.
In Duan Examination, Stella Ng passed the 5 Duan and Henry Chan passed the 4 Duan.
Five of our team members took the international judge course. President Edward Ho, Angela Ho, Brenda Ho, Florence Lam and Jose Chia obtained the referee training certificates. Edward Ho and Florence Lam were selected as referees in the competitions. A 2-day Health Qigong Workshop for individual (either 12-Step Daoyin or Mawangdui) was also taken place in the sports centre.
There were two days of competitions. A team of four consists of Anissa Ho, Foulata Lee, Henry Chan and Stella Ng won a silver trophy of the Group Competition in Yi Jin Jing. As for individual competitions, our team brought home with 1 gold medal, 5 silver medals and 9 bronze medals.
In the individual men and women competitions, the results were: Brenda Ho 1 gold 1 silver; Stella Ng 2 silver; Anissa Ho and Foulata Lee both 1 silver 1 bronze; Henry Chan, Jose Chia and Janette Tse all with 2 bronze; and finally, but not the least, Tran Cam Yen 1 bronze.
A gala dinner was held in the final evening. It was an enjoyable and memorable night.