1st World Health Qigong Day
August 13, 2017.
August 13, 2017

The 1st World Health Qigong Day was held globally on August 13th, 2017. On the same date at 10:00 a.m., local time, practitioners of Health Qigong around the globe conducted a series of health qigong exercises.
Canadian Chinese Health Qigong Organization celebrated the event in Toronto by hosting group performance of Ba Duan Jin and Yi Jin Jing in the Centre for Immigrant and Community Services.
Scarborough Ward 41 Councillor Chin Lee, Markham Councillor Alan Ho, and representatives of Mon Sheong and Carefirst attended the opening ceremony. Over 180 students participated this group demonstration and 200 of their friends and family came to support and cheer.
Followed by a fun fair featuring various booths. The most popular two are Question and Answer game and Photo Studio. Participants also enjoyed the screening of Chinese Health Qigong Association produced movie.
It was a successful event. All participants had a fun and an enjoyable day.