What's New for CCHealthqigong in 2013?
New Classes, Health Qigong Seminar & Friends from Australia
3 New Health Qigong Classes (including Thursday Evening Class)

CCHealthqigong is happy to introduce THREE NEW CLASSES to our schedule beginning January 2013. New classes are: Monday Afternoons for Carefirst Richmond Hill, Friday Mornings for Mon Sheong Chinatown, and Thursday Evenings in Vaughan.
These classes will be taught by instructor Stella Ng, who has been an integral part of our organization since its inception. Stella has practiced Health Qigong for many years. In 2011, she competed at the 4th International Tournament and Exchange held in Vancouver, Canada and placed 2nd in Liu Zi Jue Group category and has official qualifications to referee at health qigong competitions. In 2012, she completed the certified instructor license with Four Duan in Long Island, New York.
Complimentary Yi Jin Jing Class (January 10, 2013)
We invite you to join Stella for a complimentary demo class in Vaughan. Spaces are limited. Please call contact below to register for the free class.
Date: Thursday January 10, 2013
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Location: Dufferin Clark Community Centre Rm5&6 (1441 Clark Ave. West, Vaughan)
Contact: 905-832-8554 ext 7731
Monday Afternoon @1:00-2:15pm (Richmond Hill) Carefirst - Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong 12 Fa
Thursday Evening @7:30-9:00pm (Vaughan) FCSAV - Yi Jin Jing
Friday Morning @10:30-11:45am (Chinatown) Mon Sheong - Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong 12 Fa
T&W Open House & Health Qigong Seminar

T&W Associates Richmond Hill will host an open house featuring free music workshops and all-you-can-sing Karaoke. Instructor Edward and Angela Ho will give a semniar titled "Health Qigong - Body and Wellness according to Traditional Chinese Medicine" with a demonstration of Ba Duan Jin and Yi Jin Jing. If you are interested in learning more about Health Qigong. Please join us at the T&W Open House:
Date: Sunday January 13, 2013
Time: 2:00-6:00pm (Health Qigong Seminar @3:00pm)
Location: 20 Wertheim Court, Unit 21, Richmond Hill, Ontario
Friends from Australia

CCHealthqigong would like to introduce Tai Chi Fitness Australia to our readers. The picture above of Angela Ho, VP of CChealthqigong, and Susan Chang, director of TCFA, was taken two years ago at the first Health Qigong Instructor's Training Course. We've become friends and kept in contact since. Now, we are linking our websites to share and expand our knowledge and experience on the subjects of Health Qigong, Body and Wellness, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. All new and future links to external Health Qigong articles can be found under Health Qigong/Resources page.