4th International Health Qigong Tournament & Exchange -
Go Team CChealthqigong Go!!!
Posted: October 9, 2011 - 10:30pm
Posted: September 19, 2011 - 9:00pm
After 2 days of competitions, results are finally in. Altogether, Team CChealthqigong won three silver medals in the following categories:
Liu Zi Jue Group (Team CChealthqigong:Angela Ho,Edward Ho,Frances Kwok,Hermia Chung,Stella Ng)
Ba Duan Jin Men's Individual (Edward Ho)
Liu Zi Jue Men's Individual (Edward Ho)
That's an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations to our team and instructor Ho for their hard work. After the tournament, team members are still busy from morning to night attending Health Qigong classes and preparing for Duan Exams. They will surely bring new knowledge and insight to our classes when they get back to Toronto.
Team CChealthqigong (from left: Stella Ng, Angela Ho, James Man, Edward Ho, Hermia Chung, Frances Kwok)
Team CChealthqigong holding award for winning silver in Liu Zi Jue Group competition.
Award Ceremony (middle: Ba Duan Jin and Liu Zi Jue Men's Individual silver medalist Edward Ho)
Posted: September 16, 2011 - 11:00am
Team CChealthqigong have arrived in Vancouver yesterday to participate at the 4th International Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange. Our team of six consists of Angela Ho, Edward Ho, Frances Kwok, Hermia Chung, James Man, and Stella Ng. Besides Ho Shifu and Shimu's flight delay, everything went smoothly for the whole team. The opening ceremony will take place on Saturday morning, September 17th, with the tournament following shortly after. The competition lasts two days ending with an awards ceremony on Sunday evening. Meanwhile our team will be busy practicing and possibily meeting other teams from around the world.
All the best to our team. We hope you can find time to have fun and enjoy yourselves amidst the stress of the competition.
Thank You's:
As an organization, we're very excited to be represented at this event - it's actually our first ever international competition under the CChealthqigong name! We have many people to thank for making this a possibility.
Firstly, we'd like to extend a huge thank you to our team members: Stella Ng, Hermia Chung, Frances Kwok, and James Man. We are deeply touched by the commitment and attitude that they've shown throughout the preparation for this tournament. Not only do they have to take on the financial responsibility of attending the international event, they've spared so much of their own time to practice every week. Rain or shine, our team shows up to practice fresh and ready to work hard! It's amazing to see their improvement and it won't be an exaggeration to call them athletes.
Secondly, we are very grateful to our uniform sponsor - Mr. Kevin Lyons-Tarr, President of 4imprint. He generously donated 6 team jackets with our very own CChealthqigong logo. Our team will be wearing these on the athletes march at the opening ceremony. Since the weather forecast in Vancouver is 'cold' and 'rainy' during our team's stay, these jackets will definitely keep them warm and dry! Pictures will be posted as soon as they are available.
Finally, to the host and organizer - Chinese Health Qigong Association and Canada International Health Qigong Association - we'd like to applaud them for taking on such a huge endeavour. It's great to have the competition in our very own country.
The 4th International Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange held in Vancouver from September 15th-22nd has officially closed. True to the event slogan, "Participation, Communication, and Enjoyment", we made friends with many Health Qigong practitioners from around the world. To name a few, there were Xu Yuanbi, Zhong Weiji, Ye Zhiheng and Ye Qiaozhen of Hong Kong, Sam Pou Wa of Macao, Huh Il Woong of Korea, Tanida Junko of Japan, Lee Wai Ling of Malaysia, Wu Kuo Hui of Taipei, Faye Yip of United Kingdom, Sitan Chen and Jason Leung of United States, Chu Hua Fu of Vancouver, Olivier Meunier of Quebec, Ho Soon Kim of Singapore, Panagiotis Kontaxakis of Greece, Roberto Vargas Lee of Cuba, Zhang Su of Australia, and Thesy Vogliolo of Belgium.
At the tournament, our team (Angela Ho, Edward Ho, Frances Kwok, Hermia Chung, James Man, and Stella Ng) finished in second place at three events: Liu Zi Jue Group, Liu Zi Jue and Ba Duan Jin Men's Individual. They were amongst very tough and experienced competitors, so it was especially wonderful to see everyone's hard work get rewarded with podium standings. In addition to the tournament, our team members were in Vancouver to advance their Health Qigong skills and knowledge. They completed training seminars for International Refereeing, Yi Jin Jing, and Mawangdui Daoyin Shu. On the final day, several members successfully passed the Health Qigong Examination and obtained internationally recognized Duan certification. Stella Ng and Frances Kwok - Duan Level 3; Angela Ho - Duan Level 4; Edward Ho - Duan Level 5.
Lastly, we had the opportunity to meet with Chinese Health Qigong Association officials: President Ji Yunxi, Vice-President Wang Lan, Secretary General Gao Lanji, Executive Board Members Yu Dinghai and Hu Xiaofei, Masters Lei Bin and Wang Zhen. It was a heartening encounter and we are so happy to receive their recognition for our organization's work in the field. As we move forward from this exchange, we will continue our efforts in promoting Health Qigong and healthy living in our own community.
Canadian Chinese Health Qigong Organization